Why Won’t My Vacuum Sealer Work: 4 Troubleshooting Tips

why won't my vacuum sealer work

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Vacuum sealers are an excellent method of maintaining food freshness and prolonging its shelf life. But what do you do when your vacuum sealer doesn’t work? It’s a vexing predicament that can leave us stumped, yet thankfully there are several troubleshooting techniques we can use to get things going again. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why won’t my vacuum sealer work and provide five key steps on how to fix the issue so you don’t have any more problems.

Table of Contents:

Check the Power Source

Verifying the power source is paramount when operating a vacuum sealer; this includes inspecting the plug and outlet for any signs of wear or tear, as well as ensuring that an extension cord (if applicable) has adequate wattage capacity and no visible wire damage. This means checking the plug and outlet for any damage or lose connections. If you are using an extension cord, make sure that it’s rated for the wattage of your vacuum sealer and check for any fraying or exposed wires. Verify that all outlets on the surge protector are operating correctly; otherwise, potential damage could occur.

If everything looks good on the outside but your machine still isn’t turning on, try resetting the circuit breaker in case there was an overload issue. Examine other appliances in the same space to ascertain if they have electricity; this can help pinpoint where the issue is located. If none of these steps work then you may need to call an electrician to investigate further and diagnose what could be causing your power issues.

The power source is an important factor to consider when troubleshooting your vacuum sealer, so make sure it’s working properly before moving on to checking the sealing strip.

Check the Sealing Strip

securing the food for storing

It’s important to check the sealing strip of your home and garden products before use. The sealing strip is a critical element of any product, as it provides an impermeable barrier that keeps out dust, dirt and other contaminants from the device. A clean and properly functioning sealing strip will ensure that your product works optimally for years to come.

To check the sealing strip on your home and garden products, start by looking for any debris or residue that may be stuck in the crevices of the seal. If any foreign material is observed, delicately clean it with a soft fabric or brush before further inspection. Once any debris has been cleared away, inspect both sides of the seal carefully to ensure that there is no damage or signs of deterioration. If you notice any cracks or tears in either side of the seal, replace it immediately as this could lead to leaks down the line.

Next up is checking if there are any gaps between where two pieces meet together when closed; these can cause drafts which can lead to energy loss over time and increase your electricity bills unnecessarily. To test this out yourself at home, simply close both parts together tightly, then run a thin piece of paper through them – if you feel resistance, then everything is good, but if not then you need to look into replacing/repairing it soon.

Finally, take note of how easily (or not) each part opens and closes. If they’re too stiff then lubricating them should help, but if they don’t open at all then something more serious might be wrong and professional advice should be sought right away. All these steps combined will ensure that your seals remain tight throughout their lifetime, so don’t forget about them when doing regular maintenance checks around your house.

If the sealing strip appears to be in good condition, it’s time to move on and investigate the vacuum hose for any signs of damage or blockage.

Key Takeaway: Checking the sealing strip on home and garden products is essential for an airtight seal, preventing energy loss and maintaining optimal performance; make sure to inspect it regularly for cracks, tears, gaps or debris.

Check the Vacuum Hose

When it comes to vacuum sealing, the hose is an essential component. Securely linking the machine to the bag is indispensable for establishing an effective seal; thus, inspecting your vacuum hose before each utilisation is essential. That’s why it’s important to check your vacuum hose before each use.

closing a piece of hotdog in the plastic

First, make sure that the hose is connected securely on both ends of the machine. If any signs of fraying or wear and tear are present, replace the connections promptly. You should also inspect for any kinks in the tubing as these can prevent air from flowing properly through your system.

Next, ensure that your bag has been sealed correctly around the nozzle where it connects with the hose. This will help keep air from leaking out during operation and ensure a tight seal when finished vacuuming. To test this connection, try blowing into one end of the tube while holding your finger over its other end; if no air escapes then you know you have a good seal.

Finally, take some time to examine all parts of your vacuum hoses for cracks or damage that could cause problems down the line. Even small tears can lead to leaks which will affect how well your food is preserved after sealing. Make sure everything looks intact before using so you don’t run into issues later on in storage or cooking processes.

Once you’ve checked the vacuum hose and ensured that it is properly connected, move on to examining your bags for any holes or tears that may be causing a leak in the seal.

Key Takeaway: To ensure optimal results with a vacuum sealer, regularly check and maintain your hoses for any signs of wear or damage. Replace them quickly if needed for successful food preservation.

Check Your Bags

Bags specifically intended for vacuum sealing are necessary, as ordinary plastic storage bags cannot endure the suction and force generated by a sealer. Using regular plastic storage bags will not work with your machine, so make sure you’re using bags specifically designed for vacuum sealing.

There are two main types of vacuum-sealable bags:

One-ply bags have only one layer of material, usually polyethene or nylon, which is heat-sealed around all four edges to create an airtight seal when used in combination with a compatible machine. Two-ply bags have two layers – typically polyethene on the outside and nylon on the inside – which creates an even stronger barrier against air leakage than single-ply versions do.

It is important to check the size of the bag that your particular model of vacuum sealer requires before purchasing any supplies. Most machines come with instructions detailing what sizes they can accommodate, but if yours does not then it is advisable to double-check online or contact customer service for more information. 

Before you progress to tackling any issues, confirm the bags you’re utilising with your vacuum sealer are up to scratch – they could be causing the difficulty. 

Key Takeaway: Utilising the correct type of pouch is paramount when employing a vacuum sealer; thus, be sure to only use bags that have been specifically designed for this purpose. Additionally, check the size requirements of your model before purchasing any supplies.

FAQs in Relation to Why Won’t My Vacuum Sealer Work

How do you fix a vacuum sealer that won’t seal?

If your vacuum sealer isn’t sealing, there are a few things you can try. Verify the gasket is clear of any dirt and in good condition; if not, switch it with a fresh one. If the gasket is in disrepair, switch it up with a new one. Next, check the lid for any obstructions that may be preventing a proper seal. Finally, ensure that all settings are correct and that the bag being sealed is properly aligned in the chamber before starting the sealing process. If these steps don’t work, contact your manufacturer for further assistance or consider replacing your vacuum sealer altogether.

How do I get my vacuum sealer to work?

Vacuum sealers are a great way to keep food fresh and extend its shelf life. To get your vacuum sealer working, start by connecting the power cord to an outlet. Then, place the bag you want to seal in between the two sealing bars of the machine. Press down the lid securely until you hear a click or witness an illuminated light that confirms the seal. Finally, press down on the vacuum button for several seconds until all air has been removed from inside of the bag. Your food should now be safely stored away.


If you’ve gone through all the steps above and still wonder, “why won’t my vacuum sealer work?”, don’t panic. It’s probable that something is off-kilter. Try adjusting the settings or checking for any blockages in the hose. If nothing else works, it may be time to contact an expert for assistance. Don’t let a broken vacuum sealer ruin your day – with some troubleshooting and patience, you can get it working again soon enough.

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