Why Is My Electric Shower Cold? Here’s What You Need to Know

why is my electric shower cold

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Nobody relishes a frigid shower, particularly when it’s meant to be steaming. But what happens if your electric shower has gone from steamy and luxurious to icy cold? We’ve all been there – you step into the bathroom expecting warmth only for an unwelcome chill to greet you instead. If my electric shower is cold then don’t worry because in this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common causes and provide DIY troubleshooting tips so that you can get back up and running quickly. Read on as we look at all these questions (and more) surrounding, “why is my electric shower cold?”.

Table of Contents:

Common Causes of Cold Electric Showers

Cold electric showers can be a major inconvenience, especially when you’re trying to get ready in the morning. There are several common causes of cold electric showers that you should be aware of.

Low Water Pressure:

Low water pressure is one of the most common causes of cold electric showers. If your shower’s flow is insufficient, it won’t be able to heat up properly and will remain tepid or even frigid. To check if this is the issue, try turning on other taps in your home – if they’re also running low then it’s likely an issue with your main water supply rather than just your shower itself.

Faulty Wiring:

Faulty wiring can also cause problems with electric showers, as it prevents them from heating up correctly. If you think this could be the issue, then it’s wise to bring in a certified expert to check and repair any damaged wiring securely and accurately.

Broken Thermostat:

A broken thermostat is another possible culprit for a cold electric shower – if yours isn’t working properly then there’s no way for it to regulate the temperature accurately so you’ll end up with an icy blast instead. A plumbing specialist should be consulted in this instance, as they possess the know-how and materials required to rapidly and effectively remedy the malfunctioning thermostat.

Incorrect Installation:

Incorrect installation could also lead to issues with your electric shower not heating up correctly – make sure that whoever installed yours was fully qualified before using their services again. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when dealing with electrical appliances like these so double-check everything before switching them on again after any repairs or replacements have been made.

From faulty wiring to mineral deposits in the shower head, there are a number of potential causes for cold electric showers. Fortunately, many of these issues can be addressed with some simple troubleshooting tips – let’s explore them now.

Key Takeaway: Takeaway: To ensure an effective electric shower, it is important to check for low water pressure, faulty wiring, a broken thermostat or incorrect installation.

DIY Troubleshooting Tips

When it comes to electric showers, cold water is often the cause of a lot of frustration. Before attempting to enlist a specialist, there are some troubleshooting strategies that can be used in order to diagnose and resolve the issue without assistance.

The first step is to check your circuit breaker or fuse box. If either has tripped, reset them and see if this resolves the issue. If not, then move on to checking your shower head itself for any blockages or clogs that could be causing a decrease in water pressure. Unscrew the head from its base and give it a clean with an old toothbrush or cotton swab to get rid of any blockages that could be hindering water pressure.

If neither of these solutions works, then it’s time to look at your thermostat settings – make sure they are set correctly so that hot water is being delivered when needed instead of just cold water all the time. You may also want to check for any loose wires around the unit as well as inspect for corrosion which could be affecting its performance too.

Finally, if none of these steps has worked so far then it is likely something more serious like a faulty heating element or wiring issue inside your shower unit itself. This will require professional assistance from an experienced plumber who can safely access and repair whatever underlying problem exists without putting anyone at risk in doing so.

When to Call in a Professional Plumber

Figuring out the root of a cold electric shower can be tricky, so it’s wise to know when enlisting the help of an expert plumber is your best option.

open shower

The first step is determining if your cold shower is caused by an electrical or plumbing problem. If you have no hot water at all from any tap in your home, then it could be an electrical fault with your boiler or immersion heater. For an electrical fault with your boiler or immersion heater, a professional electrician should be contacted to identify and fix the problem promptly and securely.

If only one tap has cold water coming out of it (e.g. just the shower), then chances are that there is a plumbing problem such as a blocked pipe or faulty valve somewhere along the line leading up to that particular fixture. This type of issue requires more expertise than most DIYers possess so calling in a qualified plumber would be wise here too.

It’s also worth noting that some older homes may have galvanised steel pipes which can corrode over time and cause blockages due to mineral deposits forming inside them – something else which needs special attention from someone who knows what they’re doing.

Another common cause of cold showers is low pressure due to air locks within the system; these occur when air gets trapped between two points on either side of a pump or valve causing reduced flow rate through those areas and therefore less hot water reaching its destination (i.e. your shower). A good plumber should easily identify where these air locks exist and how best to resolve them using specialised tools like vacuum pumps etcetera – again, something not suitable for DIYers.

Finally, if you find yourself having recurring issues with cold showers even after attempting repairs yourself then it is best to call out a professional plumber. They are likely to spot problems quicker than anyone else due to their years of experience dealing with similar scenarios every day.

Key Takeaway: Takeaway: Cold electric showers can be caused by a variety of issues, some of which require the expertise of a professional plumber to diagnose and repair.


So why is my electric shower cold? The bottom line of this blog post is that electric showers may be a beneficial addition to your residence, yet they possess their own set of issues. If you’re experiencing a cold shower, it could be due to one of the common causes we discussed above. Before calling in an expensive professional plumber, try some DIY troubleshooting tips first and see if you can solve the problem yourself. Remember: no matter how cold your electric shower gets, don’t give up on it – there’s always hope for my electric shower cold.

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