Ready, Set, Strim: A Guide on How to Start a Petrol Strimmer

how to start a petrol strimmer

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Are you ready to take your gardening game up a notch? It’s time to start a petrol strimmer. From choosing the right model for you, preparing it for use and then finally starting it, there are several steps involved. This blog will provide an easy-to-follow guide on how best to get started with your petrol strimmer. So don’t delay any longer – let’s get started and explore all that comes with learning how to start a petrol strimmer today.

Table of Contents:

Choosing the Right Petrol Strimmer

Petrol strimmers are an essential tool for any gardener, allowing you to easily and quickly trim grass, weeds and other foliage. But with so many different types of petrol strimmer available on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your needs.

When choosing a petrol strimmer, there are several factors to consider: power source, size and weight of the machine, cutting width and type of line used.

Power Source:

Petrol strimmers come in two main varieties – electric or gas-powered. Electric models tend to be lighter than their gas counterparts but may not have as much power or run time as a result. Gas-powered models offer more power but require regular maintenance such as changing spark plugs and air filters regularly.

Size and Weight:

The size and weight of the petrol strimmer will depend on how often you plan on using it; if you’re only going to use it occasionally then a smaller model might suffice whereas if you plan on using it frequently then a larger model would be better suited for your needs. It’s also important to consider how easy the machine is to transport from place to place; some models come with wheels while others don’t – this could make all the difference when carrying them around your garden.

Cutting Width and Type of Line Used:

green line for a garden tool

The cutting width refers to how wide an area can be trimmed at once by the machine; wider machines will save time but may cost more money initially whereas narrower machines will take longer but cost less upfront. As far as type of line used goes – most petrol strimmers use either nylon string or plastic blades depending on what kind of job they need to do (e.g., tougher jobs like clearing thick brush may require plastic blades).

Ultimately when choosing a petrol strimmer it is best practice to do research into what features each model offers before making any decisions. This way you can ensure that whatever product you choose meets all your requirements without breaking the bank.

By taking the time to research and compare different petrol strimmers, you can make an informed decision that will serve your needs for years to come. Now that you have chosen the right petrol strimmer for you, it’s time to get started with preparation before use.

Preparing Your Petrol Strimmer

Using a petrol strimmer can be an effective way to keep your garden looking neat and tidy. However, it is important to prepare the machine before use in order to ensure that it runs safely and efficiently.

Checking the Fuel Tank:

Before using your petrol strimmer, check that there is enough fuel in the tank for you to complete the job. If necessary, top up with a suitable two-stroke engine oil mix or unleaded petrol as recommended by the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure not to overfill as this could cause damage or lead to spillages when operating the machine.

Spark Plug:

Check that your spark plug is clean and free from any dirt or debris which may prevent it from sparking correctly when starting up your strimmer. It should also be replaced every year if possible in order to ensure optimal performance of your machine.

Air Filter:

The air filter should also be checked regularly for signs of wear and tear such as tears or cracks which could allow dust particles into the engine chamber causing potential damage over time if left unchecked. Clean off any excess dirt with a damp cloth before replacing if needed – make sure not to get too close as this could cause further damage.

Once you’ve prepared your petrol strimmer, it’s time to get started – and that’s where our next step comes in.

Starting Your Petrol Strimmer

Starting a petrol strimmer can be intimidating for first-time users. But with the right preparation and knowledge, you can get your strimmer up and running in no time.

Priming the Engine:

The first step to starting your petrol strimmer is priming the engine. This involves filling the carburettor with fuel before starting it. To do this, locate the primer bulb on your strimmer and press it several times until fuel starts coming out of it. Once you’ve done that, move on to setting the choke.

Setting the Choke:

Setting the choke helps regulate how much air enters your engine when starting it up. Depending on what type of strimmer you have, there will either be an automatic or manual choke lever located near where you hold onto it while operating it. If yours has an automatic one, simply turn on your machine to activate it; if not then manually adjust its position by pushing or pulling its lever depending on whether you need more or less air entering into your engine respectively.

Once these steps are followed correctly and consistently every time before using a petrol strimmer – along with following other safety precautions such as wearing protective gear like gloves and goggles – then there should be no issues getting started quickly and safely each use thereafter.

Key Takeaway: To start a petrol strimmer, you need to prime the engine by filling the carburettor with fuel and setting the choke (automatic or manual). Pulling the starter cord correctly is key for safety.


From choosing the right model for your needs to preparing it correctly before starting, you can make sure that your petrol strimmer is up and running in no time. With this guide on how to start a petrol strimmer, you should now feel confident enough to start a petrol strimmer safely and efficiently. So get out there and get trimming.

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