How to Hide a Home Safe to Keep Your Valuables Secure

how to hide a home safe

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Knowing how to hide a home safe is going to be rather important. After all, you don’t want your safe to be out there on display. When trying to protect their belongings, nobody likes to do that because it would simply attract attention to them.

Having a safe in plain sight is not advisable. However, there are various ways to create the perfect spot to hide valuables and hide the home safe as well.

So, to make life easier, here are some ideas.

Choosing the Best Hiding Places

The problem with many hiding places is that they have already been exposed as the sort of hiding spot where people may keep some precious items or contain hidden safes. That makes life harder for you.

For example, people think about keeping a home safe in the master bedroom, but you wouldn’t be alone with that hiding spot. The same applies to using a hollowed-out book. Once again, it’s not unique, and it will only really work as a secret hiding place if you have a vast number of books. Only having a single shelf will not be sufficient.

So, here’s some advice. Scrap the idea of keeping things in the master bedroom. It’s one of the first places a potential burglar will look. Instead, be clever with your hiding spots, as the harder you make it, the safer your valuables are going to be.

Places to Avoid

There are a number of other places where you shouldn’t keep any of your valuables hidden, in addition to the book concept.

Hiding things in a cereal box is problematic. It’s too easy to throw out the box by accident, so it’s not one of the best places to hide items. Also, hiding it in cat litter is something that some people swear by but don’t do it.

The cat litter trick is pointless. You need to keep changing the cat litter in the first place, and it creates too much mess when your cat climbs in as well.

Also, don’t bother with this idea of hiding things in plain sight. Burglars are going to be on the lookout for anything that catches their eye. They won’t just think about picking up money that they can come across, so if you place some smaller items on a shelf, then don’t be surprised if thieves find them and steal them.

Basically, the best hidden safe ideas are going to be those where you either have disguised safes or you hide your safe in a way that you would never know that there was a safe inside.

But now, let’s move on and discuss some ideas.

A Hidden Door

Hidden safes can easily be placed behind a hidden door. It is a pretty cool idea because no burglar will spend time testing every single spot just on the off chance that there’s some hidden door there.

A hidden door is going to blend seamlessly into its surroundings. At first glance, you may just see a normal wall with normal wallpaper on it, but perhaps it doesn’t tell the full story of what’s happening.

A Hidden Drawer

Some old items of furniture can be rather intriguing in that they can contain a hidden drawer. It doesn’t come with easy access. Many different cabinet makers used to excel at incorporating a secret compartment where you could hide valuables inside. Opening the drawer would include going through several steps to open things up, and you had to know the correct combination.

Now, this isn’t to say that you should go to these lengths. However, thinking about having a hidden drawer where you can hide some valuables is certainly a good idea.

Hiding Wall Safes

You have probably watched a movie where a wall safe is hidden behind a picture. Well, that’s just not very good at all.

Instead, you are best to hide a wall safe behind some wall covering that blends in with everything around it. For example, if you have wood panels or tiles on a wall, having a section that is secretly hinged and opening up could be the perfect hiding place for even a small safe.

Some people even go to the extent of creating a false panel on their wall. They use two stud partitions that can be removed, and their home safe is behind the wall. The good thing is that it’s not an obvious place to look.

Hiding a Floor Safe

Along with a wall safe, you also have a floor safe that you could hide, and when it comes to trying to hide a safe, this one will be pretty easy.

Clearly, you are going to hide a safe under the floor. It can be accessed via a hatch in the floor, but you don’t want to do the crazy thing of simply throwing a rug over it and thinking that it’s then hidden.

Instead, you want it under the carpet on the floor. Also, you want to know where it is, and you can then access the carpet, lift the hatch on the floor, and then get to the safe.

Hiding a Small Safe

When trying to hide a safe, it makes sense that the size of the safe will determine where you can hide it. A safe on the small side will not only keep valuables safe, or even some important papers, but also you should have no problem in keeping them hidden from view.

With a small safe, you could go ahead and hide it in the stair treads. Nobody would think about looking there, yet getting access to the safe will also not be too problematic.

In fact, using parts of the stairs can be wonderful. Even with stairs, you have so many ways to hide things, thanks to the space between each step. All you need is a secure box, drop it in the space between stairs and seal it in. Burglars could be walking right over cash or valuables, and they would have no idea that this was the case.

Choosing a Room in the House

an electric home safe in the bedroom

While we have discussed a few ideas on how to hide a home safe, let’s think about something else, and that’s choosing which room you should use in your house to hide your cash or valuables.

As mentioned earlier, people tend to go for the master bedroom, but the garage is another popular spot. However, if it’s popular for homeowners, then it’s also popular for burglars.

So, you need to think out of the box for a bit.

A home safe can go in any room. It can even go in the bathroom if you install a secret panel behind the bath. Other valuables could be stored in an old tv in the spare room that looks like nobody uses it.

The key is that you need to gain access whenever you want, and you need to keep that in mind whenever you want to hide a safe.

Adapting a Space

The final thing we will look at regarding safe concealment is what happens when you try to use existing space and adapt it to suit your needs.

Take an air vent as an example. Now, that may seem like a bit of an obvious space, but it can be a suitable location for small items.

Or how about a closet? Creating a false back on a closet can then lead to you not only storing clothes, but at the same time, it can also hide a home safe. Placing a small item in a wall clock hidden from view could be another alternative. In saying that, we are talking about a mix of individual items and a home safe here, so using some places and spreading things throughout your home can be a good idea.

However, as was discussed earlier, be careful with using a household item that could end up being thrown out by accident.

Hide Your Home Safe

So, whether you are talking about a wall-mounted safe, or individual items, dealing with home security and knowing where you can hide your valuables is essential. Whether it’s under your floor, in a hidden compartment, in your closet, or anywhere else, keeping your valuables and precious documents away from burglars and potential thieves takes some thought and creativity. Just please don’t go for the obvious spots. There’s a reason why they just don’t work.

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