What Is a Rambling Rose? Everything You Need to Know About This Floral Beauty

what is a rambling rose

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There are many different roses, and each one has its unique beauty. Today, we will focus on the rambling rose. This flower is known for its delicate petals and sweet fragrance. It is a preferred option for both gardeners and florists.

This blog post will discuss the characteristics, care, and cultivation of rambler roses. So what is a rambling rose? Keep reading to find out!

What Is a Rambling Rose? What Are the Benefits of Growing It?

The rambling rose is a type of rose known for its sprawling growth habit. Said to be hybrids of R. sempervirensRosa multiflora, or R. wichurana, or originating from wild roses, ramblers usually up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Some sprawl to up to 60 ft, making it an excellent choice for gardeners who want a large specimen plant.

Below are the benefits of growing rambling roses:

Fragrant and Abundant Blooms

Rambling roses are also known for their fragrant blooms, lasting for several weeks. Their blooms are great for attracting butterflies and bees. These roses have a lengthy bloom period and are substantially more heat-tolerant than other varieties.

Disease Resistant

Rambler roses are also more disease resistant and less prone to pests, making them a good choice for gardeners who live in areas with challenging growing conditions.


Rambling roses boast flexible stems and can be used as standalone plants or trained onto arbours, trellises, or pergolas. They are also famous for use in small gardens and mixed borders. They can be used for different landscape problems and as hedges, privacy screens, and hide unsightly walls. They can also fill up bare spaces.

Easy to Care For

Rambling roses are easy to care for and maintain. Ramblers require little maintenance once they’re established. They are tolerant of most soil types and can withstand drought conditions. However, they do best in well-drained soils.

What’s the Difference Between Climbing and Rambling Roses?

The terms “climbing” and “rambling” roses are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two types of roses.

Climbing roses are bred to be grown on supports such as fences, trellises, or arches. They have stems that are specially designed to cling tightly to their supports.

On the other hand, Ramblers are not bred to be grown on supports. Their stems are more flexible, although they don’t cling to their supports as tightly as a climbing rose. You can still train them to weave through fences and trellises, but they make excellent groundcover garden roses.

Unlike climbing roses, rambling roses flower once in the early summer or in late spring, producing numerous blooms for several weeks. They are not precisely considered repeat-flowering, but the good news is that repeat-flowering rambler roses are now being developed.

How Do I Care For a Rambling Rose?

Watering is done in the morning to give the plants time to dry up throughout the day. But during the growing season, water the roses at least once per week. The soil should be moist for at least 18 inches (1.5 feet) in depth.

If you’re using a sprinkler, you can water it every day, preferably in the morning. There’s no need to water your roses during the rainy season.

Ramblers should be fertilised twice a year – once in early spring before new growth begins and again in late summer after blooming has ended. A light application of organic matter such as compost or manure will help to keep your rambler healthy.

Additionally, ramblers require annual pruning to keep them from becoming overcrowded and encourage new growth. In early spring, they should be pruned to remove any dead or damaged stems. They can also be trimmed back after blooming to maintain their shape and size.

Ramblers are classified as zone five plants, which means they can tolerate cold winters down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in a colder climate, you’ll need to provide some winter protection for your roses. This can be done by mulching the plant with straw or pine needles or placing a cloche or frost cover over it.

Frequently Asked About Rambling Roses

How Do I Identify a Rambling Rose?

Ramblers have long, arching stems with clusters of flowers that bloom along the stem. The blooms can be pink, yellow or white and may have a sweet fragrance. They typically grow more than 4 metres tall.

When Is the Best Time to Prune a Rambling Rose?

Ramblers should be pruned in early spring to remove any dead or damaged stems. They can also be trimmed back after blooming to maintain their shape and size. Hard pruning can be done after a few years.

What Type of Soil Do Rambling Roses Need?

Ramblers do best in well-drained soils, but they tolerate most soil types.

How Do I Train and Support Rambling Roses?

Ramblers can be trained and supported in a variety of ways. One option is to grow them on a trellis or arbour. You can also use wire hoops, chicken wire or netting as rambling rose support as they grow. Be sure to provide plenty of space for the roses to spread out!

Can I Grow a Rambling Rose in a Container?

Yes, you can grow them in a container, but they will need to be fertilised more frequently than roses that are grown in the ground.

How Do I Winterise a Rambling Rose?

Ramblers should be mulched in the fall with a good layer of organic matter to protect them from frost and winds. The mulch should be removed when temperatures start to warm up in the spring.

What Pests or Diseases Might Attack Your Rambling Roses?

Many ramblers are susceptible to aphids, spider mites, powdery mildew and black spot.

What Is the Best Way to Propagate a Rambling Rose?

The easiest way to propagate these roses is by rooting stem cuttings taken in late summer or early fall.

Which Species Produces Pink Rambling Roses?

The species Rosa eglanteria produces pink roses.

What Are the Best Rambling Rose Varieties?

a rambling rose

Some of the best varieties include: ‘Albertine’, ‘Blush Rambler’, ‘Cardinal Royal’, and ‘New Dawn’.

Where Can I Buy a Yellow Rambling Rose?

Some nurseries may carry yellow varieties, but they are not as common as pink ones. You can also order them online from speciality rose growers.

What Are Examples of Fast-Growing Rambling Roses?

Some of the fastest-growing rambling roses include: ‘Amber Queen’, ‘Canada 150’, and ‘Evelyn’.

Where Can I Plant Rambling Roses?

Ramblers can be planted in most garden areas, but they do best in full sun. However, they can still thrive in partial shade and even in poor-quality soil conditions.

Do Rambling Roses Repeat Flowers?

Rambling roses typically don’t flower repeatedly, but new varieties are being developed that do. In time, you will be enveloped by roses that repeat flowers.

What Is the Best Way to Water a Rambling Rose?

Ramblers should be watered regularly, especially during periods of hot weather. It’s best to water them in the morning so that the foliage has time to dry before nightfall.

What Fertiliser Should I Use for My Rambling Rose?

Ramblers do best in well-drained soils, but they are tolerant of most soil types. You can fertilise them with a balanced fertiliser, such as 20-20-20.

You can also use a rose fertiliser high in nitrogen and low in phosphorous. Fertilise these roses after flowering and again in the spring.

How Long Do Rambling Roses Live?

Rambling roses can live up to 20 years if properly cared for. They need pruning each year to keep them healthy and blooming well.

Growing Beautiful Rambler Roses

Ramblers are easy to care for and propagate, making them a great choice for novice gardeners. If you’re looking for something different in your lawn, then consider adding rambler roses to the mix!

And now that you know the answer to “What is a rambling rose?” and know the basics of caring for this floral beauty, do you think it would make an excellent addition to your garden? Let us know in the comments!

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